Standard of Performance


Schedule - II (Information relating to Levels of Performance) [Regulation 6 of the M.S.E.R.C. (Standards of performance) Regulation, 2006]


Categories Time schedule for setting the fault or breakdown right/ disposing of the application
i) Fuse breakdowns Within 6 hours (T/A)
Within 24 hours (R/A)
ii) Supply line breakdown Within 10 hours (T/A)
Within 48 hours (R/A)
iii) Transformer failures Within 24 hours (T/A)
Within 72 hours (R/A)
iv) Metering Defects Within 10 days (T/A)
Within 30 days (R/A)
v) Billing Defects Within 5 days (T/A)
Within 10 days (R/A)
i) For new connection Within 7 days (T/A)
Within 14 days (R/A)
ii) For additional supply connection Within 5 days (T/A)
Within 10 days (R/A)
iii) For changing phase service connection Within 5 days (T/A)
Within 10 days (R/A)
iv) For change the name of consumer Within 3 days (T/A)
Within 7 days (R/A)
v) Erection of Transformers/Sub station Within 30 days (T/A)
Within 60 days (R/A)

Note: T/A – Town Area
R/A – Rural Area